farbyte — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum



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  • In cPanel go to EMail > Email Routing & make sure Remote Mail Exchanger is set for the domain. Then under Domains > Manage Zone, make sure the MX record is set correctly for the remote mail provider.
  • I agree with @pingserv. It looks like required kernel module/s are not loaded on the host server (e.g. conntrack). If you administer the OpenVZ host server, you'll need to make sure the modules are loaded, however, if the host server is owned by som…
  • I think that Hosting Requests & maybe Hosting Recommendations sections may be a good idea, as the General section seems to get a lot of these posts.
  • CWP gets a lot of attention at the moment due to the massive cPanel price increase earlier this year. It's a good solution for most self hosters, but if you're hosting other users sites I'd opt for  DirectAdmin, or cPanel depending on your budget. T…
  • For future reference, in case anybody else has this problem, another solution is to use an email client like Thunderbird, configure it with your email account details (IMAP or POP3) & then create a local folder to hold your email messages. Then …
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