Why and how to transfer a domain? — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

Why and how to transfer a domain?

Not all domains registrars are the same. Everyone has their own features someone might give less feature and someone might give you more features. And because of that you might want to transfer your domain from one registrar to another well there are many more other reasons lets discuss it one by one and down forget we will we also discussing the step by step process to transfer the domain effectively. Firstly lets us understand the reason to transfer a domain. 

Why to transfer a domain? 

As we all know all the domain registrars are not same and many of the domain registrars might now be providing the same domain as you wanted. Well most of the time you might be transferring the domains when you are not satisfied with their services. Well this is only one factor there might me many more reasons like a hike in price of domain so this all encourages the registrar to register their domains to the new hosting providers. 

How to transfer a domain? 

1. Do check that the domain is eligible to transfer - As per the ICANN’s policyThe initial registration of the domain name was atleast 60 days ago and domain has to be with your current registration for atleast 60 days only after that time period your domain can be transferred. 

2. Then Unlock you domain - Next step is to unlock your domain for the you have to remove the registrar lock you may have set to add the security. And then get your AUTH/EPP code from the current registrar. 

3. Then the last step is to submit your transfer request - You can allocate the domain that are transferring 

Hope this Write up was helpful!!!! 

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