[B]Server specs:[/B] [I]40-Core CPU, 256 GB RAM, 8 SSD in RAID 10[/I]
If you want to move your site from another hosting company to us, the transfer of data from the old server to us is free of charge through the cPanel utility!

BMF Host is backed by 99.95% Uptime Guarantee SLA, as well as “No questions asked!” 30-day Money Back Guarantee.
Promo code: "TRIAL"
[B]BMF Host features:[/B]
[*]Softaculous, Incremental Backup
[*]Dedicated hardware resources
[*]LetsEncrypt Free SSL
[*]Unlimited email accounts
[*]Hosting unlimited domains
[*]POP3, IMAP, WebMail access
[*]AntiSpam + AntiVirus email filter
[*]PHP 7.X, MySQL / MariaDB 10.X, Tomcat 8.X
[*]CGI, PERL, CURL, GD, ImageMagick
[B]SSD Basic:[/B]
[*]10 GB SSD Webspace
[*]Unlimited bandwidth
[*]Unlimited domains
[*]99.9% Uptime Guarantee
[*]Free LetsEncrypt SSL
[*]Email filter AntiSpam + AntiVirus
[*]Free Automatic Backups
[*]30 Days Money Back Guarantee
[*]Free Website Transfer Upon Request
[*]Multi PHP
[*]99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
[*]24/7 Support
[URL=""]Order now[/URL]
[B]SSD Advanced[/B]
[*]25 GB SSD Webspace
[*]Unlimited bandwidth
[*]Unlimited domains
[*]99.9% Uptime Guarantee
[*]Free LetsEncrypt SSL
[*]Email filter AntiSpam + AntiVirus
[*]Free Automatic Backups
[*]30 Days Money Back Guarantee
[*]Free Website Transfer Upon Request
[*]Multi PHP
[*]99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
[*]24/7 Support
[URL=""]Order now[/URL]
[B]SSD Premium[/B]
[*]40 GB SSD Webspace
[*]Unlimited bandwidth
[*]Unlimited domains
[*]99.9% Uptime Guarantee
[*]Free LetsEncrypt SSL
[*]Email filter AntiSpam + AntiVirus
[*]Free Automatic Backups
[*]30 Days Money Back Guarantee
[*]Free Website Transfer Upon Request
[*]Multi PHP
[*]99.9% Uptime Guaranteed
[*]24/7 Support
[URL=""]Order now[/URL]
If you have any questions do not hesitate to [URL=""]get in touch with us[/URL].