uchaKube — a multifunctional DevOps/Hosting platform for working with applications — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

uchaKube — a multifunctional DevOps/Hosting platform for working with applications

TuchaTucha Member, Provider

TuchaKube — a multifunctional DevOps/Hosting platform for working with applications


Dear friends, if you are developing your own web applications, the functionality, and code of which is constantly changing, then the service TuchaKube will surely come in handy. 

Briefly about TuchaKube

 TuchaKube is the cloud-based service for providing container infrastructure and automating CI/CD processes. The solution is designed to support the operation of high-load information systems and the processes associated with their development and improvement.

The cloud platform is a combination of two separate, but at the same time, related services that fall into the categories of DevOps Engineering and Cloud Hosting. In more detail in our article: https://tucha.cloud/en/blog/services/tuchakube-bahatofunktsionalna-devops-hosting-platforma-dlia-roboty-z-dodatkamy

If you have additional questions or need our help in solving any tasks, write to us at sales@tucha.ua or call +380 44 583-5-583. We are ready to help you 24×7.

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