VPS account to sign up with ... — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

VPS account to sign up with ...

Which VPS should I have a deal with - rockhoster.com or legionbox.com?
Any ideas?


  • mariavasonskaya93mariavasonskaya93 Member, Provider
    Hostpro.com is known for its reliability and quality of service, so I would recommend using their VPS services. They offer a wide range of plans with different features, allowing you to find the best option for your project. With Hostpro.com, you can expect stable server performance and professional support.
  • rockoloprockolop Member
    You'd better look at Neironvps.com cheap vps solutions. Great prices and great throughput. Easy admin tools. Haven't had any reliability issues. I have launched several sites there in the last few days and all is well.
  • I've been with Profvds.com for quite a long period of time, and they're the best webhost I've found so far. Their pricing for dedicated servers is quite reasonable and the level of support you get is exceptional. You'll receive VPS servers in Bratislava\Slovakia on XEN virtualization technology.

  • MaekfeeMaekfee Member
    I think that you can check them out. They do have a lot of good VPS services.

  • Cluster63Cluster63 Member
    Check out VPS deals from solid companies: allwebhost.com and netshop-isp.com.cy.
    Great Webhosting companies with great support and amazing pricing policy.

  • If you check neironvps.com you will discover how cheap and good VPS can be.

  • GomarryGomarry Member
    I'd draw your attention to deals from digitalserver.com.mx and surfhosting.co.
    Top notch support, affordable pricing, and I haven't seen a bit of downtime.

  • ITivan80ITivan80 Member, Provider
    You can also try www.PowerSurge.net. They have many experience VPS specialist ready yo help 
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