Unique IP + DDos protected VPS? — LetsHostTalk - Web Hosting Forum

Unique IP + DDos protected VPS?

what is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
Need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected
Have seen Neironvps.com offers nice VPS hosting plans.

How reliable is this host? Any other recommendations?


  • Dual E5-2680 at $149/mo - CPU Intel Xeon 2xE5-2680 v3, RAM 128GB, SSD 2 X 1TB, Bandwidth 30 TBs, Location USA, Los Angeles. I feel really lucky to have happened onto a provider that does business the way I do, by exceeding customer expectations. Neironvps.com rocks.

  • From all the web hosts I've used in the past, for both personal and professional purposes, I've never been happier than with Neironvps.com - Every support ticket was quickly and effectively resolved. Loads of tools on the cPanel. Best of all, they have a lightening quick connection.

  • DiwakarReddyDiwakarReddy Member, Provider
    User reviews and expert comparisons can be helpful in evaluating different providers. Avoids potentially misleading others about a specific provider's reliability. 
    If you require a custom solution or have additional questions, Call: +91 9773338546|
    Email: [email protected] | Chat: Serverwala sales team on Live Chat Or reply to this thread instead.
  • Trustworthy VPS accounts are available from decent hosting providers: hostingsource.com and ewallhost.com.
    Excellent value for your money, very good support and quality of network/servers. Highly recommended!

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