Hello forum, i'm currently using a human managed server, that i always monitor.
So i want to look for a VPS solution that will fit my needs.
First of all it will be running 5 websites, 3 with some traffic and 2 of them almost dead.
When i say traffic, i'm talking about a maximum of 300 users browsing
some picture galleries (max 150k each picture) on 3 of the websites.
The rest are static HTML pages, noone will manage them.
Question is, do you think that a 2 core processor, 3gb ram, 100 GB SSD will be enough?
Any info on Exmasters.com hosting solutions? Are they trustworthy?
Thank you!
It’s great to see such group of motivated and efficient people. Exmasters.com is a good vps hosting option for starting a web hosting as they offer cheaper hosting service. Since they have good technicians, they handle things faster and correct, so they can handle technical issue better in less time.